High School Students Receive $1,000 Prize from Wells Fargo


Wells Fargo is presenting $1,000 checks to 520 high school students who won the bank’s CollegeSTEPS® expanded sweepstakes, which is part of the bank’s CollegeSTEPS® program. The program offers college planning and money management tips to high school and college students, as well as their parents. Planning topics include conducting a scholarship search, the financial aid application process, campus visits, saving money, and managing student loans.
The purpose of the Wells Fargo CollegeSTEPS® sweepstakes is to help students cover additional educational costs such as books, computers, or lab fees. Wells Fargo has awarded more than $1 million to students through its CollegeSTEPS® sweepstakes since 1998. The financial institution estimates it will award an additional 200 $1,000 cash this academic year.
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