Made New Year’s Career Resolutions? Here’s How to Keep Them

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If you believe in the mantra, “A new year, a new me,” you aren’t alone. According to research, nearly half of all Americans make New Year’s resolutions each year. Sadly, statistics also tell us that by February, half of those people have completely forgotten about their wonderfully exciting resolutions.

The good news is you can fight it. Don’t be a statistic.

If you made a resolution to get a better job, advance in your career or just enjoy work a little more, here are three tips on how to stay focused and reach your goals for 2013.

Plan: With all of the excitement of the new year, it’s easy to get carried away

with making career resolutions. It’s important to ensure that your resolutions are reasonable and realistic. After you’ve prepared a mental list of achievable career resolutions, think of your resolutions as goals, creating a sense of purpose.

Break it down: Break the more lofty ideas down into smaller goals. For example, if your goal is to get a promotion, break it

down into steps like “Increase knowledge and education,” “Ask for more responsibility,” and “Lead project successfully.” Breaking your resolution down into smaller actions will ensure you take the right steps to meet your larger goal. You’ll also feel encouraged when you reach milestones.

Share: Keeping those new year’s career resolutions becomes easy when you announce them publicly. Share your goals

with your family, friends and colleagues. When you share the resolutions publicly, you become accountable. It also helps your cause to know that a network of people is supporting you and expects you to follow through on your commitment.

How have you began to act on career resolutions and goals for 2013? #SoundOff and follow me on Twitter @JayNHarrison.

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