How to Make That Seasonal Job a Permanent One

(Image: Thinkstock)

As the holiday season comes to an end, so will seasonal jobs. But if you find yourself falling in love with your seasonal job and want to turn it into a long-term position, you may face some competition. Many companies only keep on around 10% of their seasonal employees after January. Those are tough, but not impossible, odds. If you would like to turn your seasonal job into permanent paychecks for 2013, check out these four tips on how to keep your temporary job after the holiday season is over.

Treat the seasonal job as an audition. Be on time, every time. Managers want to know that they can rely on you to be there when needed. Showing up five minutes early speaks volumes to your preparedness and willingness to work. Along with being punctual, don’t forget to be a team player and dress professionally, because you are being watched.

Be flexible. If you can cover shifts or even trade so that the company has adequate coverage, this will make you stand out against others. Shift flexibility is important to managers, so if you’re asked to come in early, stay late, or even pick up a shift on your day off, do it. Not only will this increase your paycheck, it will let your employer know that you are dependable and uncomplicated.

Take your work seriously. Work as if you’re already a permanent employee. A seasonal job may last only a couple of months, but you should treat it like a full-time job. By viewing your seasonal job as if it were a long-term position, your attendance, attitude and attention to detail will be better—something your supervisor will undoubtedly notice when it comes time to decide who to keep on in January.

Express interest.

It may seem obvious, but seasonal workers hoping to become permanent, full-time employees need to make their intentions clear. Many who sign up for seasonal work are simply looking to make a little money on the side—or get an employee discount for gift-buying— so it’s important to tell your manager you’re more career-minded.

Are you looking to take your seasonal gig to the next level? #SoundOff and follow Jamie on Twitter @JayNHarrison.

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