How to Market Yourself in 150 Characters or Less

(Image: Thinkstock)

In today’s fast pace and competitive market, time is of the essence. For job candidates this can mean the difference between being memorable or being given the brush off. When you’re trying to market yourself and what you offer to an industry, it’s best to have that quick elevator pitch ready so that you’ll not only be on to remember, but there will be follow up from your prospective client or employer.

Take a look at these tips on how you can perfect your self-promotion in 150 characters or less:

Break your 150-character “about me” into three parts.

Describe yourself with a title based on your most recent work experience (Social Media Connoisseur, IT Project Manager, etc.). If you just graduated from

college, use “Recent Grad” and add additional flair by indicating what type of position you’re looking for. Perhaps add a word or two about what you’d like to specialize in your future career. Or mention your area of study or the type of degree you earned.

Next, showcase your personality and wit with a unique line about what makes you stand out or why you love the work you do. Get creative here and add a few words about interesting hobbies or passions. It’s important to make yourself stand out in a well-rounded and unforgettable way.

Tie it all together at the end with a final line about why you’re a perfect fit for the company and the position.

Remember, every word counts.

Chose strong verbs and carefully select powerful and eye-catching adjectives. Always look for shorter synonyms for longer words and take out filler words that don’t need to be in the sentence.

Avoid the abbreviations or online slang often used when writing for social media, but do keep contractions. They’re more conversational—and they’re shorter!

Read more at Brazen Careerist…

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