How to Successfully Navigate an Office Romance

Office romances can either be great or turn out horribly. Navigating them can be a challenge, but some couples have been able to make it work, having found love and a great professional partner at the same time.

Couples like Boris Kodjoe and Nicole Ari-Parker, Beyonce and Jay-Z and Will and Jada Smith have worked together and their relationships have stood the test of time. With long hours, constant interaction at work and chemistry flowing, it can be inevitable that love will take its course.

If you’re in an office romance—or contemplating one—here are a few tips from CareerBuilder to manage it so that disaster isn’t waiting at your cubicle:

Check the Company Handbook: Be sure to make yourself aware of your company’s policies on fraternizing. Some  have strict rules so find out the policy to know your limits.

Proceed with Caution: According to CareerBuilder, 7% of workers who have dated a co-worker reported having to leave their jobs because of their office romance went South. Get to know the person well, and take it slow. Know the risks and be aware of the fallout if things go wrong.

Compartmentalize: Separate business from pleasure. It’s also a good idea to keep the PDA outside the office, and keep your personal business (or disagreements) between you and your mate. Involving coworkers can get messy and cause larger problems for your company’s bottom line.

Think Before You Post: Tread lightly on posting thing publicly about you and your beau online. If you’re not ready to discuss the relationship with professional contacts, it’s best you keep things private.

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