How Your Core Values Will Translate To Career Advancement

When choosing a position what factors do you take into consideration? Although it is important for your monetary needs to be satisfied your job should also fulfill personal values. How much do your personal values contribute to the job you choose, and should it be a factor in your success? Inc writer Kevin Daum believes that it is.

“Much like company core values, your personal core values are there to guide behavior and choice. Get them right and you’ll be swift

and focused in your decision-making, with clear direction. Get them wrong or leave them ambiguous, and you’ll constantly wonder how you got into this mess.” Here are 5 steps you should take to accomplish this.

Step 1–Think through and describe the following in detail:

  1. What have been your three greatest accomplishments?
  2. What have been your three greatest moments of efficiency?
  3. What are any common rules or themes that you can identify?

Step 2–Think through and describe the following in detail:

  1. What have been your three greatest failures?
  2. What have been your three greatest moments of inefficiency?
  3. What are any common rules or themes that you can identify?

Check out the rest of the steps at Inc.


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