3 Post-Interview Flops That Ensure a Lost Job Opportunity

We gave you four steps on how to make an all-star follow-up to a winning interview, but what about those things that you should never do after an interview? As a job seeker, you might get anxious and want to know exactly what is going on with the status of the interview. But don’t let eagerness get the best of you. Here are three top mistakes to avoid when you follow up:

Don’t go fishing: Do not go throwing your fishing line into the waters of key decision-makers if you have no personal connection to them. Attempting to communicate with a hiring manager through telephone, email, or cell phone is never a good thing. This can come off as very invasive and intrusive. The last thing you want is for a decision maker to feel uncomfortable.

Don’t take it to social: Despite your feelings toward the organization and how they have handled the interview process, do not take it to social media. People are connected throughout various industries and organizations. The world is a small place and a potential employer you placed your resumé with may see how you bashed an organization and never give you the chance to interview. Just be patient and tread lightly on even mentioning anything about post-interview frustrations at all.

Do’t lie: You may want to find any way to get information on your prospective employment. However, getting caught in a lie will destroy your chances with this employer and could affect your long-term reputation. Regardless of how believable a lie might be, it’s just not worth it.

Daron Pressley (@daronpressley) is an entrepreneur and former Fortune 500 sales and marketing executive who has been featured on outlets including Fox45 News, Black Enterprise magazine, and The Washington Post. Knowledgeable in marketing and branding, Pressley works with professional athletes, organizations, and individuals to develop strategies to create, build, and grow brands. As a speaker Daron has reached over 20,000 students, and provides dynamic insights on leadership and branding via his Website, DaronPressley.com.

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