6 Habits That Ensure You Won’t Get a Better Gig in 2013

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They always say a mark of insanity is repeating the same things and expecting different results. We all have expectations for our lives moving into a new year, but where’s the new or improved strategy? You may want better for you career—and overall life— but you might not be going about achieving goals to get you there in the right manner.

Take a cue from Ashley Hoffman, director of marketing and communications at Brazen Careerist, on habits and strategies you may be used to that didn’t work this year and definitely won’t lead to prosperity in 2013:

Your idea of “job searching” is applying online… and only that. Job searching is more than submitting application after application online. I’ve heard many a frustrated job seeker say,

“But I’ve applied to over 45 jobs online!” For the most part, relying solely on online applications—and just that—won’t cut it. Sure, it might help, but it can’t be the crux of your strategy.

Instead, your job-search strategy should be a multi-pronged approach of applying online, reaching out to your network, making new connections, doing informational interviews, using social media in your job search, and more. There’s no silver bullet, and you never know which avenue will pay off. Pursue them all, including getting out from behind your computer.

No one knows you’re job searching: When you’re looking for a job, the majority of your close contacts in your network should know it. Sure, there are times when you might want to keep more of a lid on your hunt if you already

have a job and don’t want your employer to find out. But even in that case, there are probably at least 3 to 5 people in your network —former colleagues (or even close current ones), friends, family, mentors, etc. —who should know you’re looking for new opportunities.

Read more at Brazen Careerist

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