Kamala Harris Warns That Freedom Faces ‘Profound Threat’ In MLK Day Speech

Photo by Michael M. Santiago/Getty Images, small image (Photo by Stephen F. Somerstein/Getty Images)

On Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Vice President Kamala Harris delivered an urgent warning that freedom in America faces profound threats. 

Speaking at a National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) event in South Carolina, Harris invoked King’s legacy as she rallied voters to join Democrats in protecting rights. Harris cited voting access, gun violence, and the overturning of Roe v. Wade as evidence that core freedoms are endangered, Reuters reported. 

Quoting Coretta Scott King, the Vice President emphasized that freedom must be fought for and earned by each generation. Harris called on the crowd to “roll up [their] sleeves” and issue a resounding message this election: “We will fight. And when we fight we win,” the news source noted.

President Joe Biden honored Martin Lu

ther King Jr.’s legacy by volunteering in Pennsylvania, another battleground state. He loaded food packages, underscoring the ongoing fight against hunger and inequality, Reuters reported. Republicans campaigning in Iowa also linked their grassroots efforts to King’s values of democracy and justice.

Harris called it a pivotal time to secure freedoms for future generations. As she implored, “We were born for a time such as this,” Reuters noted. By channeling Dr. King’s aspirational vision on his holiday, Harris aimed to inspire action at the ballot box.

The speech

comes as Democrats aim to energize and turn out Black voters, a key constituency. This effort is especially vital in South Carolina, where over 50% of Democrats are Black. The state will hold the Democratic primary on February 3.

In 2020, President Biden had a commanding win in the state. Now, an overwhelming victory could fend off primary challengers. While Biden’s support has slipped among younger and Black voters, according to the news source, South Carolina remains crucial to Democrats’ prospects.

As Harris stressed, protecting fundamental freedoms hinges on voters making their voices heard at the ballot box.

RELATED CONTENT: The FBI Attempted To Honor Dr. Martin Luther King And Got Absolutely Destroyed On Social Media

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