Keys to Abundant Living: Master Your Mind, Master Your Money

Jenenne Macklin is the founder and CEO of Consciously Creating Your Life Inc., based in Pasadena, California. She’s a sought-after speaker and transformational coach with an ironclad arsenal of 25 years as a licensed clinical social worker, consultant and program director. Holding a bachelor’s degree in sociology and a master’s degree in social work, she has also worked for private residential programs, not-for-profit companies, and the Department of Mental Health. Her exemplary leadership, passion and compassion for others is evidenced in her ongoing service as an ordained minister for over 25 years.

“We have the most success and get the best results from those who are high-achieving, purpose-driven women entrepreneurs committed to their own success,” Macklin explains. “[These are women] who are willing to invest their time, energy and money to change their relationship with money and increase their income. They gain a greater sense of their value and leverage the laws of prosperity to generate profits and live with passion and on purpose.”

After navigating a private practice off and on for 10 years, it became crystal clear to Macklin that women were struggling with their relationship with money, their sense of value beyond their roles, and how to access spiritual principles for their personal fulfillment and happiness. Having lived this experience firsthand, moving from victim to victorious, she became passionate about being a catalyst to inspire, empower and transform the lives of women entrepreneurs. She accomplished this with breakthrough coaching, live empowerment events, inspirational products, and transformational speaking, teaching women to recognize their value, changing their relationship with themselves and money, and using proven prosperity principles to generate profits.

Macklin is no stranger to adversity and overcoming insurmountable odds. She was orphaned and later adopted and raised by two loving, working-class parents with no college education and no blueprint for abundance. But today Macklin owns two real estate properties, a six-figure business, and has taught her clients how to generate more than $3.3 million. “I love the laws of abundance,” says Macklin. “I think of them as leveraging the universe. I was fascinated with them when I discovered their power to position me for success in my life and in my business.” Here are Macklin’s 10 fundamental keys for operating the laws of abundance.

1) See something bigger for yourself.  One of my coaches, Lisa Nichols, often speaks about wanting something different for herself and her son.  She didn’t have money to even buy pampers.  Today, she is one of the first African American women to take her personal development company public.  She wanted something bigger for herself and took the action to make it a reality.  Write down what you want for yourself and why you want it.  Post it so you can see it.

2) Learn about money.  There is more to money than meets the physical eye.  There are laws of the universe, just like the law of gravity that are waiting for you to access them to bring greater abundance and prosperity into your life.  For example the law of sufficiency or the power of expectation and intention and of course, the law of attraction. Change occurs at the point you are willing to learn something new and different.

3) Mind your mindset.  Many of us grew up with limiting beliefs about money based on our religious teachings, culture, and family experiences.  Because of it, you may speak about being broke, not having enough or having a poor relationship with money.  While that may be the present circumstance, it doesn’t have to be your future circumstances. Prosperity is a way of thinking and living and so is poverty — a way of thinking and living. Update your relationship with money through your renewed thoughts.

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4) Plan ahead from behind. So many people are living in the moment for immediate gratification.   As a transformational coach, I tell my clients to live in the now.  However, when it comes to money mindset, financial freedom and wealth,  I coach to plan ahead. I can remember living paycheck to paycheck for many years.  When I changed my mindset, I began to plan ahead.  For example, my job had a retirement program where they matched my investment.  I was with the company three years before I took advantage of it and built $80k in retirement.

5) Lift the limitations.  For some, there is a struggle between God and money.  All the teachings about you can’t serve two masters or money being the root of evil. Truth is, money is innocuous and can be used for good or bad. Those of us

who are purpose driven, use it to “do and bring good” to the world. I coach clients and speak about living from a united mindset rather than limitation and bondage. Success and abundance, has been promised to you. Learn it. Use it. Leverage it!

6) Implement success strategies.  Study and learn from the success strategies of those who are where you want to be.  For example, notice what their morning/daily routines consist of.  What are the practices they perform on a daily basis that positions them for success, fulfillment and living the life they desire–success leaves clues!

7) Contribute rather than consume.  While buying cars, flat screen televisions, clothes and technology can give the outer appearance of fulfillment, when in reality it’s simply a quick fix and will not give you financial freedom. Total up the money spent on these items in one year and that amount could be in your savings accounts, emergency fund or stock investments. Find out what gift you have that you keep ignoring that could impact and influence the lives of others.

8 ) Gain traction with action.  Wishing, hoping, praying, visioning and even meditating alone will not manifest the results you are longing to achieve. Your goal of money freedom will require tangible action to access financial freedom.  You want to create a 3, 6 or 12-month plan of action with goals, timelines and implementation strategies in order for your vision to manifest.

9) Get it done through discipline.  At the very basic, discipline is doing what needs to

be done whether you want to or not.  Money mindset is all about having discipline.  There will always be something vying for your money: kids, new toys, family wanting loans, something.  You will have to stand for what you want more than being liked by others or taking care of others and sacrificing yourself. You are the shepherd of your goals and dreams–only you.  Stand for it.

10) Don’t hide but seek support. When you want to move faster toward your goal seek someone to help you take incremental steps to achieve them.  There is no need to guess or wonder about “how” when there are resources available. People who “have been there and done that” to show you the pitfalls and potholes you can avoid to reach your goals sooner, quicker and faster.

Macklin is the author of Faith the Size of a Mustard Seed: A Daily Companion and Let’s Get You Happy First: 4 Steps to Get You to Your Happy. She can be reached via email at Jenenne@jenennemacklin.com, Twitter: @JenenneM, via her website, and via Facebook.

Roz A. Gee (@RozAGee) is an event speaker, media contributor and consultant, and CEO of The Rated Gee Agency with core service sectors in media relations, brand readiness and speaking/training. She has masterfully mixed over 20 years of cumulative experience and has worked professionally for industry titans such as General Electric, AT&T, AOL, IBM, and Northrop Grumman. Schedule a complimentary analysis at www.MediaMatchMaven.com. You can find Roz on Twitter: @RozAGee and Facebook: TheRatedGeeAgency.

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