Law Schooling

I am a 21-year-old woman with a strong interest in entertainment law. I graduate in May and anticipate attending law school. I have been building my résumé by interning at various law firms and record companies. I am relocating to Atlanta soon and was inquiring how to obtain connections and a temp job within the legal entertainment industry. Can you refer me to anything that will help in my quest?
–T. Anderson , Via the Internet

Your goal should not be to obtain connections; it should be to build and expand your network. The difference in phrasing is not just semantics, it’s attitude and approach. Networking is about developing continuing

and lasting relationships that benefit both parties. Of course, your internships have served you well for the experience you can add to your résumé, but hopefully you have cultivated relationships with supervisors, mentors, and associates who can also advise you on options in Atlanta, particularly since the entertainment industry is very interconnected.

You don’t say why you’re moving to Atlanta, but since you are planning to attend law school, choosing an appropriate school should be part of your agenda. School options in that city may offer strong law curriculums, but they are not ranked among the best in the country for entertainment law. Emory University’s School of Law offers one class in

that area, with supporting classes in copyright, intellectual property, and licensing. The Sports and Entertainment Law Society is an association at College of Law at Georgia State University that works to provide networking and mentorship opportunities with practicing attorneys from both fields. For more information, contact its president, Allie Fennel, at allicat@ix.netcom.com.
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