Leading The Way

What does it take to become a self-motivator? Well, often it takes a high level of competence and commitment, according to Ken Blanchard’s Self-Leadership and the One-Minute Manager (HarperCollins Publishers; $19.95).

Beyond that, it takes self-reflection. But Blanchard cautions those traveling on the road to self-leadership to avoid becoming self-consumed. For example, if you see someone on deadline running around the office don’t ask, “Harry, are you busy?” Instead, state your needs directly: “Harry, I need a moment of your time. If you’re busy, what’s the best time to come back?”

Being a self-motivator is also about taking responsibility for your actions. It’s easy to play the victim because it lets us make excuses for not achieving what we really want in life, whether it’s a new job, higher education, or to be an all-around better person. An effective self-leader who wants to improve his or her attitude, for example, is mindful of spewing nasty epithets when someone says something he or she doesn’t like. Regardless of how you plan to become a self-motivator, by the time you reach the end of the book, you will be a much more effective leader.

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