Lemonade Sippin’: 3 Beyoncé-Inspired Boss Moves for Young Entrepreneurs

The ‘Queen’ herself has prompted me to come out of the blog coma I’ve been in, and I’m not talking Elizabeth.

Beyoncé (as per her usual) took the Web and music world by storm releasing her latest album, Lemonade, last week. She came, she dropped, she conquered.

Its already taken the No. 1 spot on the Billboard 200 and reached more than 485,000 pure album sales by April 28. This is more than stellar for an album that was just released April 23 via an HBO visual premiere, drawing more than 780,000 viewers to the cable network.

Just call her ‘Queen Boss’ from now on.

If you’re a budding entrepreneur, seasoned boss or a startup star in the making, take a few cues from the megastar’s latest slam dunk on the competition:

1. Partner with the big dogs … or even the smaller, impactful puppies: Beyoncé and HBO are two heavy hitters who have become fast and furious contenders for two-hitter quitters. They’ve struck platinum before the Lemonade release, with Beyoncé‘s 2013 documentary Life Is But a Dream, which brought in 1.8 million viewers during its premiere.

If your business is launching a new project, initiative or

service, find a way to partner with an awesome company that can add their influence, audience intelligence and market share to the table. Leverage ways to create synergies with top companies in your industry or those who have captured the audience you seek. When selling the idea, be sure it’s a win-win.

2. Move in strategic silence and make mystery your bestie. Beyoncé has totally changed the album-dropping game for artists and record labels, releasing an album visually with little to no pre-marketing involved. The subject matter of much of the album has fans and haters alike buzzing, with themes of cheating and “Becky with the good hair

” becoming a popular meme and hashtag. Gossip blogs are pushing reports that there’s trouble in the Carter paradise, but the superstar couple has neither denied nor confirmed whether Beyoncé‘s latest release is art imitating life. However, the rumors are definitely not hurting the couple’s bank accounts.

When you’re launching a new initiative, sometimes it’s best to keep mum. Create a campaign that will quiet those wondering what’s going on, build anticipation for new customers, and then go big. Take the time to listen to your audience and use mystery to your advantage.

Tap into the power of the visual:

Marketing buffs have been touting this for years, and statistics have proven it: Visuals are king. If you’re not taking advantage of the latest video platforms like Snapchat, Blab, Vine or even the video capabilities on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter, what are you waiting for? Get more innovative than just a few memes and overused key words. Incorporate artistic visuals that make sense, find ambassadors or hire a coach to help mold you into the savvy, go-to face of your brand.

What do you think about the Beyoncé ‘Lemonade’ phenomenon? Comment below or follow me and tweet @JPHazelwood.

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