Looking To Build A Business Empire? Start With Motivosity.

You know attracting top talent to your business, particularly at the management level, is a major revenue driver. But often, it’s tough to quantify the contributions of a superstar leader into actual dollars and cents.

Thankfully, Gallup did the math for us, and according to its data, a top-flight manager can boost the revenue of their team by as much as 27 percent per employee. That’s just reason number 1,285 why treating your employees like valued assets vastly increases your odds of business success.

From a quality management team to a quality workforce, Motivosity is an employee engagement platform

that puts the happiness and satisfaction of all of your workers front and center, helping companies retain top talent the old-fashioned way: by making them feel valued and appreciated. 

Motivosity’s four-stage digital environment hinges on positivity, respect, and improved communication and connectivity.

In the first Motivosity forum, Connect, workers across an entire company of 30 to 3,000 get to know each other by interacting through shared interests and personality traits. Then, on each worker’s personal Facebook-style page, they get to share pictures, trumpet successes, or pass thanks to their fellow team members.

In Recognize, that appreciation for individual values like teamwork, transparency, community spirit, and more get rewarded. With public nods, each recognition can also come with a dollar or two earmarked for major retailer gift cards from companies like Target, eBay, Nike, and dozens of others. Funds can even be designated for the honoree’s favorite charity.

In the Lead section, managers start building more effective relationships

with each team member. Lead lets managers and workers engage in regular one-on-one meetings, supported with shared agendas and collaborative notes so that a manager can have well-defined objectives and takeaways with each individual employee.

Finally, Listen allows employees to take the megaphone, offering their thoughts and impressions on the state of the company directly to company leadership. Using pulse surveys, employee Net Promoter Scores (eNPS) for measuring how willing the employees are to recommend their workplace, turnover data, and other metrics, workers can explain exactly how they feel about their job and their workplace. Plus, it’s all in an easily digestible format so management can

effectively gauge worker morale and work to fix any problems.

Backed by a 95 percent adoption rate, employees largely respond to Motivosity with big enthusiasm, reporting their satisfaction up by over 50 percent after rollout.

Right now, companies can head to the Motivosity website and request a demo to see how all of that employee engagement power improves their workplace.

Prices subject to change.

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