Meet The Young Marketing Genius Roy Broderick, Jr.

Name: Roy Broderick, Jr.

Profession: CEO & Principal Consultant of The Intuition Consulting Firm, LLC.

Age: 27

Some people know marketing and some people are marketing. Founder and CEO, Roy Broderick, Jr., is marketing. From his work with organizations like MTV Networks, VH1 Networks, and Turner Entertainment Networks to his work leading the strategic development on the agency side for brands and clients like Columbia Pictures, Marvel, ScreenGems, Tyler Perry Studios, AT&T Mobility, Coca-Cola and Regions Bank, Roy is leaving his mark on the marketing world. Roy has traveled the country changing the marketing game.

After failing chemistry and falling asleep one too many times in biology class, Roy realized pursing nursing wasn’t for.

“I sat down with my advisor and took a career assessment,” Roy tells BE Modern Man. “Together, we uncovered that in addition to having a significant aptitude to become a “marketing director,” I’d been spending a great deal of my spare time working for the university and its student organizations curating events and developing marketing campaigns—a term that I wasn’t then familiar with.”

For Roy, marketing was something that came naturally, felt right, and felt good. Fast forward to sophomore year, and a 19-year old Roy became the marketing coordinator working part-time for the university and never looked back. Since then, Roy has had the opportunity to work both with agencies and direct-to- client with brands, such as MTV Networks, AT&T, Coca-Cola, Turner Entertainment Network Properties and Regions Bank, to name a few.

“2007 marked a turning point for me,” says Roy. “This year my life was set on a different course, literally and figuratively. Now nine years later, I’ve started my own agency and haven’t looked back.”

Roy’s journey helped him find his inner hustler and along the way he discovered that everyone he had an inner hustler. Many people had not tapped into that hustler and Roy went on a mission to help everyone find and promote their inner hustler.

Pouring his passion into Marketing, Roy believes that if your passion solves a real problem, and you’re able to monetize it then go for it.

“Gather resources, create your super team of experts, and most of all follow your intuition,” Roy tells BE Modern Man. “You can be successful.

Roy’s simple formula to provide his unique touch to marketing campaigns is simple.

He says, “I listen and I believe that every human being has a gift and an “inner hustler.” Therefore, it’s important to really listen to people when conversing with them. That’s one of the secrets of The Intuition Consulting Firm; we listen to our clients and meet them where they are to help them meet their needs.

Success does not come without its fair share of challenges, and Roy experienced his biggest when leaving his full-time corporate job to chase his dream.

“While many called it a “leap of faith,” I believe entrepreneurship is truly a daily faith walk that evolves into a lifestyle change. While I don’t believe entrepreneurship is for everyone, I do believe that every person should have multiple avenues of income to reach generational wealth.”

It’s no secret. Unless they are athletes or celebrities, Black men are not often portrayed as successful, positive role models in mainstream media.

“It’s important to showcase men—BE Modern Men in particular—who aren’t just working regular 9-to- 5 gigs. There are, in fact, Black men who choose to ignite true purpose, and do things differently all while continuously impacting to their communities and reaching back along the way to positively influence society’s future leaders.”

The Westside of Atlanta is an area known for underserved communities, high crime and drugs. Some would call it a miracle that Roy “made it out” and ended up at a predominantly White Institution.

“it’s not,” Roy tells BE Modern Man. “Anything is possible when you set your mind to it. A BE Modern Man is someone who embodies this belief and uses it to not just better themselves but to better his community. It’s someone who works hard and doesn’t take no for an answer. He also doesn’t look for opportunities. He creates them.

It’s our normal to be extraordinary. Follow @blackenterprise and join the BE Modern Man conversation using #BEModernMan.

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