5 Mistakes Recent Graduates Should Avoid When Job Hunting

Making the transition from college to the workforce is not easy, but with a little bit of help it doesn’t have to be painful either.

According to the Association of American Colleges and Universities (AACU), students are more than twice as likely than employers to believe they are prepared for the workforce in several key areas, such as oral communication, written communication, critical thinking, and being creative.

[Related: These Are the Top Skills Needed to Stand Out in Today’s Job Market]

While a successful career in college doesn’t always translate to a smooth sailing job search, below are some mistakes to avoid when looking to land your dream career.

1. Long and detailed résumé: It’s true. No one wants to read over a long, boring résumé that shows no detail as to how you will get the job done. According to diversity recruiter and creator of Rip the Résumé, Torin Ellis, employers are looking for you to show measurable results on your résumé. Rather than simply stating, ‘I lead my fraternity or sorority,’ explain in numbers how you specifically helped that organization to grow.

2. Limiting your options: Having a closed mind during the job hunting process can

be one of the biggest things holding you back. While you may have graduated college with a set plan for how you want your career to play out, the reality is that life has many different shifts and turns that will direct you to your purpose. Be open with the jobs you apply to and explore how the skills you acquired through internships can be applied to different industries.

3. Lack of communication: Be open and honest about your job search and communicate to the professionals you know about the types of jobs you’re looking for. Go to networking events and pass out your business cards, and take full advantage of any services that your student career center offers.

4. No follow-up: As traditional as it may sound, employers still appreciate it when potential candidates send thank you notes after a job interview. It not only shows your professionalism, but it also shows them how interested you are in the job. Even if you aren’t selecting for the role you’re interviewing for, this small act of gratitude will keep you on their radar.

5. Grammatical errors: While this may sound like a no-brainer, it’s imperative to triple check your résumé, cover letter and any emails you send to potential employers to ensure that you sound your best. First impressions are everything, and in the job hunting process your first impression are the documents you send online.

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