Motivational Monday: Making Time for (Real Life) Friends

Today’s Tip: Make Time to Connect with Friends

Is it just me, or did life look so much more simplistic as a pre-teen passing judgment on the adults who just couldn’t get it together?

But if you’re working, parenting, hunting for a new gig, taking care of a loved one or involved in any of the other minutiae called adulthood you’ve realized something: It’s easy to get caught up in the rigmarole of existing and not living. What does that look like? For many of us it means getting so complacent in our daily routines around work and family duties that we forget what to etch out time for things that surpass duty—meaning fun. You know, things that balance us and refuel us for the occasional unnecessary roughness that comes our way.

A lot of life coaches will sell the notion of having it all. I say lets start out with just having more. How do you begin?  By reconnecting with one of the few people you choose to have in your life: friends. Unlike bosses, parents (or even spouses at time), these should be the few people you are excited to be around. These are the folks who share your hobbies, memories and dreams– and if you’re like many of my clients you may have not connected with them in a while.


Don’t fret. This week will be the start of you having more. It is your duty to make time to cultivate every part of you who are and maintain a connection with those who matter most. Oh yeah, and did I mention it will be amazingly fun. Here are four ways to start reconnecting with pals (and your true self):


  1. Start a Google group– This is a great way to play steady “catch up” with several friends. You can also use this forum to talk about everything from current events to new opportunities. Priceless.
  2. Set up a coffee date– You may not have time for dinner, but meeting for coffee before, after or during work hours is great way to make face time. Pencil in friends just like you do for clients.
  3. Plan to meet on the way home– Meeting in route home is a great way to connect. If you live in a city with public transportation it may be as simple and planning to meet a friend at a station and walking a few blocks or riding a few stops. If your drive, maybe it means committing to picking up or dropping off a person periodically to chat.
  4. Create a ritual– Girls/Guys trips aren’t always feasible, but what about a monthly meet-up. This can be anything from “dates” at the barbershop to visiting a museum together. The most important thing is connecting.


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