Money Magnets: 15 Highest-Paying Jobs

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From Madame Noire.

There’s still room to make big bucks, even in today’s economy. All it takes is matching up your passions with your skills, training and talents and finding the right fit. Based on the Bureau of Labor Statistics, Madame Noire came up with a list of the top 15 highest-paying jobs, from surgeons to financial managers. Take a look at careers where professionals are earning top dollars and the facts on just what it takes to pursue them.

Surgeons & Doctors: Doctors and surgeons are needed on an hourly basis and their average yearly salaries show it. In 2012, doctors and surgeons made an average of $168,650-$234,950.

Dentists & Orthodontists: The services that orthodontists and dentists provide will always be needed, which is why these jobs pay plenty of money. In 2012 the average salary for these professionals started at $161,750 and maxed out at $204,670.

CEOs: Chief executive officers made an average yearly salary of $176,550 in 2012. Would you be willing to coordinate operational activities and plan a company’s direction for that much cash?

Petroleum Engineers: Society today runs on oil which is exactly why the oil industry is booming and expanding. Petroleum engineers in 2012 made an average yearly salary of $138,980.

Marketing Managers: Marketing managers are in charge of creating marketing programs and policies as well as determining a company’s supply and demand rates. This job promised an average salary of $126,190.

Get the full list at Madame Noire …

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