Morris Brown Still Limping Along Financially

Though the historically black college Morris Brown in Atlanta lost it’s accreditation and is $30 million in debt, president of the college Stanley Pritchett told the Washington Post that he thinks it’s still worth saving.

“I feel that Morris Brown is an essential part of the HBCU scene,” Pritchett said. “Education is a top priority for African Americans; yet, too many of us do not have the resources needed to get a

apper amp_ad_1 ampforwp-incontent-custom-banner ampforwp-incontent-ad2"> higher education. Historically, approximately 95 percent of Morris Brown’s students have been eligible for and received some type of financial aid. Many of them were first generation college students, looking to start a new ‘tradition’ in their
family… There are no new HBCUs. Each time we lose one, we are closing the door of higher education for thousands of students (and not just African-American students) who, if they had had an opportunity, could have had a brighter future.”

Pritchett is asking the alumni of the institution to step up to the plate and contribute what they can to keep the historic institution afloat.

Read more at the Washington Post.

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