You Can Be Netflix’s Professional Instagrammer

Netflix is at it again on the job front, but this time you’ll need a little artistic flair.

Netflix is looking for an Instagram Master, or #Grammaster if you prefer.

In the past, Netflix has offered what are essentially dream jobs that function as publicity for the company.

Remember when they were hiring movie lovers to sit and watch Netflix all day? Well this position will have you off the couch and out in the world, touring America’s most iconic movie locales.

Here’s the job description, according to Netflix: “We’re searching for three people to become the Instagrammers of Netflix: a role we call Grammaster. They’ll travel across the continent and take beautiful pictures for Netflix Instagram channels.”


At $2,000 a week for two weeks, Netflix is essentially paying you $4,000 to travel the world (all expenses paid) and take photos for them. Not a bad deal. If you want to apply, you can check out the rules on the company’s promotional page

. The rules are simple. Just hashtag three of your best pictures #Grammaster, and follow Netflix on Instagram.

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