[Nominated] The ‘Passionate’, Eugene Puryear

  • Name: Eugene Puryear
  • Age: 29
  • Profession:  Director of Field Operations
  • Nominated By: China Dickerson / Friend & Colleague

“Eugene Puryear is a Washington, D.C.-based activist with a passion for bringing justice to the oppressed and underserved. 

As a high school student in Charlottesville, Va, Eugene organized a walkout when the war in Iraq began in 2003. 

Upon arriving in D.C. in 2004, Eugene immediately joined the anti-war movement, helping to organize the large-scale demonstrations that took place against the continuing U.S.

war and occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan. He was a key organizer of the first demonstration outside Jena for the Jena Six in 2007; was a founder of the Jobs Not Jails coalition and DCFerguson Movement in Washington D.C.; and is the author of the book “Shackled and Chained: Mass Incarceration in Capitalist America”.

Eugene is a #BeModernMan because he selflessly fights on the behalf of others.”

The Black Enterprise team  commends you Eugene for being a great example of a BE Modern Man!

Are you a #BEModernMan or do you know a  BE Modern Man that we should recognize? Send over your nomination here  and use #BEModernMan across your social media platforms for an opportunity to be recognized!

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