O.J. Simpson To Ask Judge For New Las Vegas Trial

What’s former football hero slash infamous acquitted murder defendant O.J. Simpson up to these days?

On Monday, he’ll ask a Las Vegas judge to grant retrial of his 2008 armed robbery-kidnapping case, for which he is currently serving 33 years in prison, The Associated Press reports.

Simpson, 65, will be joined by a new team of lawyers, who will help Simpson argue that his previous lawyer, Yale Galanter, should not have represented him due to conflicts of interest.

Nevada’s Clark County District Court Judge Linda Bell has agreed to hear 19 of the 22 conflict of interest and ineffective counsel allegations against Galanter.

“To me, the claims are solid. I don’t know how the court can’t grant relief,” Simpson’s appeals lawyer, Patricia Palm, told the AP.

You might remember a jury found Simpson and a co-defendant guilty of 12 felonies related to the armed robbery and kidnapping case in 2008. Simpson and his friend tried to recover personal mementos that he believed were stolen from him after his 1995 murder case.

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