Emerging CEO Plans on Changing the Face of Financial Literacy

Why are you passionate about what you do?

What I do is directly related to a traumatic ordeal; having to bury my eight year old son who suffered from a juvenile pilocytic astrocytoma (brain tumor). I was 40 years-old and wasn’t affected with any financial constraints, however I think about the many Americans who are uneducated about the importance of life insurance and who frequently utilize Go Fund Me accounts to bury their loved ones. I began to take a look at my own life and financial situation, after I started to deplete savings and retirement accounts as the result of the job loss.  The experience helped me to develop a mindset where I wanted to play an intricate role in educating and empowering–particularly minorities and women–on financial literacy, generational wealth, and entrepreneurial collaboration verses competition.

[Related: Read Part 1 here]

What impact are you making in the community and in the lives of others?

I’m working effortlessly to help change mindsets relating to the financial illiteracy epidemic in my own family, as well as our communities, to help shape financial futures, [correct] misconceptions relating to life insurance, transfer generational wealth, and leave legacies for future generations.

I’m building teams all across the country and sharing financial literacy by training new leaders to become licensed agents in life and health; teaching individuals how to be in business for themselves, but not by themselves–even without a college education.  We sit down and show small business owners and entrepreneurs how to leverage their existing business, with other sources of income

flow. We give back to the communities by offering basic courses in financial literacy for ages K-adults, utilizing our private label curriculum.  I also serve on the Mid-Atlantic Make-a-Wish Women’s Leadership Council, where we raise funds to help terminally ill children’s wish dreams come true.

Where do you see your business headed in the next three to five years?

I see myself, along with a myriad of business partners, being the integrated solution and the sole source of changing the faces within the financial services industry,

particularly among minorities and women. I see myself as one of many successful African American women that are known for fighting for my rights, standing up for what I believe in, refusing to fail, and leading strongly in the financial services industry. None of this would be possible without my faith in God, the support of my husband of 20 years, David M Gregg, Sr., sons Marc and Anthony Watkins, and my parents, Anthony L. Taylor and Wilhelmina T. Frederick.

Websites: http://www.financialeducatorscouncil.org/alita-gregg/, http://agents.firstfinancialsecurity.com/0052RM

Email:  info@PinkyLeeTaylor.com

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