[Part 3 of 4] Marketing Ideas to Promote Your Business

So you’ve started a business! Whether you’re a solopreneur or small to mid-sized business owner, one of the most difficult challenges businesses face is how to market their services or products, to the right audience, at the right time, using the right tactical marketing mix.

Having an in-depth understanding of your audience’s needs, can help you create a multi-channel marketing strategy that informs, educates and motivates them to ultimately buy your product or service. Beyond demographics, you should be insanely curious about your targeted audience: Who’s your tribe? What do they need? What are their daily challenges, fears or frustrations? Where do they connect?  What significant life events (e.g., new parents, divorced, single mom, cancer, passions, etc) are they facing? And, how can your product or service help solve their problems?

Here are five more ideas and resources you can use to jumpstart your business.

  1. Conduct a free or paid webinar on brand positioning – Webinars are a great source of
    business leads.  Have you successfully developed a unique selling proposition that differentiates you from your competitors? Does your brand have a unique personality that communicates well with your customer? Share your knowledge with other businesses by hosting or co-hosting a webinar.
  2. Support other businesses or charities  –  N
    apoleon Hill said it best, “It is literally true that you can succeed best and quickest by helping others to succeed.” Connect with local business or charities and help spread awareness about a cause or initiative. Strategic partnerships can also act as a gateway to  a larger customer base.
  3. Teach a workshop – Are you a tech lover, lawyer, fashion designer or filmmaker? Teaching workshops or professional development courses at a local college or virtual hub such as Mediabistro is a powerful way to attract potential clients.
  4. Position yourself as a speaker – If you have an expert niche, online presence, and published articles or books, you may be ready to book speaking gigs. Create a visually appealing media kit and find conferences, tradeshows, lunches, seminars, relevant to your area of expertise.
  5. Host a pop–up shop –New product or service? Find your local farmer’s markets or area tradeshow to test or market your new product or service.

Do you have any marketing ideas that you’ve used to grow your business? Share with me in the comments below. And be sure to check out Part 1 and Part 2 of this series.

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