Paying For School

Q: I am a single African American woman in my 30s who has recently gone back to school for nursing. Soon, I will have to start my nursing clinicals and it won’t be possible to do that and work at the same time. I don’t want to give up now. Could you recommend any grants that I might qualify for to pay my tuition and allow me money to live on also?
— K. Maxey, Indianapolis

A: There are a plethora of grants and scholarships available to you,

however, I wouldn’t discount working and going to school. When choosing a hospital to do your clinicals, consider one that you’d also like to work at after graduation since they may accommodate your work-school schedule.

To find money for school, check out the following: www.discovernursing .com

, a site sponsored by Johnson & Johnson, which offers scholarship and financial aid information; www.aacn .nche.edu, run by the American Association of Colleges of Nursing, offers extensive scholarships and financial aid resources for nursing students; www.petersons.com/nursing/ is the Peterson’s guide to nursing programs; and offers specific information on schools and links to financial aid programs; and the National Black Nurses Association (www.nbna.org/scholarship .htm
) offers various scholarships ranging from $500 to $2,000 annually. Don’t forget the National Honor Society at www.nhs.us under Scholarships and Awards.
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