Plan Big to Make Your (Professional) Dreams Reality

(Image: Thinkstock)

It’s a good chance that throughout your childhood you were encouraged to dream big. Consequently, you probably grew up envisioning a big lofty goal that you hoped to achieve someday. And many years later, your goal is still just a “big dream” to you. Well I have some good news for you and that is: Dreams do come true! But, in order for your dreams to come true, you need help. You have to seek the right guidance and create a success-support system.

In today’s world that’s highly driven by technology and social media, you have many resources right at your fingertips. The essential key is discovering exactly where to look for information and the players that will inspire you to fully live your dreams.

Two amazing trailblazers and role models that you don’t have to look too far for are Michael Baisden, host of The Michael Baisden Show, and George Fraser, author of Success Runs in Our Race: The Complete Guide to Effective Networking in the Black Community.

They both worked regular jobs for

anner ampforwp-incontent-ad2"> many years before they began to fully tap into their passion and gifts. Despite being faced with many challenges and life altering encounters, they were determined to attain extraordinary success. These two giants are currently living their dreams and they’ve teamed up to help you live yours too!

Fraser recently appeared on Baisden’s show for an interview and shared the following tips for living your dreams:

  • Strategically and systematically pursue your dreams.
  • Learn how to set small goals that lead to big results.
  • Eliminate fear from your mindset and vocabulary.
  • Develop a powerful support team and seek guidance from them.

On Dec. 12th at 9 p.m. (EST), Fraser will hold an empowerment conference call and will be interviewing Baisden, with insights on how to live your dreams. It’s free, and you can join by calling 712-432-0075 and entering access code 271542#. This is truly an exclusive and rare career-enriching opportunity that will help you reach your dreams in 2013.

I’ll be tweeting live during the call using hashtag #LiveYourDreams. Join me, and let’s connect on social media so you can get the career guidance you need to launch your dreams!

Antoine Moss, Ph.D., (@2PositiveTweets) is a nationally recognized resource on internships, early career achievement, leadership and motivation. CEO and founder of CEO Style Consulting L.L.C., Moss empowers professionals and organizations to reach their full potential, and serves as speaker, workshop instructor and consultant. The author of Learn to Intern CEO Style, Moss has been a featured expert on outlets including Fox 8 TV News and George Fraser’s 2011 Power Networking Conference.

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