Plastic Debt

Q: If I use my credit card to cover my business’ startup costs, is that considered good debt or bad debt?
— L. Stokes, Via the Internet

A: The more I hear about how startups use credit cards to cover the initial costs of their business, the more I’m convinced that plastic debt has become today’s small-business financing tool. This readily available line of credit may save you time, but poor debt management can quickly put your startup in jeapordy. With careful planning, however, credit cards give entrepreneurs the chance to finance their fledgling enterprise until the dough starts rolling in.


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The key to managing a good debt strategy is to view your credit cards as a temporary measure to have access to cash. Paying your bills on time is key until your company reaches a point of consistent cash flow. Eventually, you should secure traditional loans or a line of credit through a commercial bank to acquire the assets you need for your startup.

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