ADP’s Aisha Thomas-Petit Sleeps Soundly Knowing the Universe Is Conspiring for Her Good

Featuring a broad cross-section of women who have distinguished themselves across a rich variety of careers, our Portraits of Power series is a celebration of the 50th Anniversary of Black Enterprise, and of black women. It’s a place for today’s businesswomen to share their own favorite images and their own stories, in their own words. Today’s portrait is ADP’s top diversity executive Aisha Thomas-Petit.

Aisha Thomas-Petit

Chief Diversity, Inclusion & Corporate Social Responsibility Officer for ADP

My first job was as a management trainee at JPMorgan Chase in NYC right out of college (or as a sandwich maker/cashier at Subway when I was 14 in Pasadena!).

My big break came when the Head of University Relations at JPMorgan Chase promoted me to VP, Marketing Manager and handed me a post-merger, fully integrated recruitment marketing campaign to manage.

I’ve had to work hardest at my poker face. The art of the poker face has been critical in the corporate context.

I never imagined I would be a mother of daughters and be in a position where both personally and professionally my life journey will role-model a way for those who think they “can’t be or do” something.

I wish I’d learned sooner

how to invest (in my 20s) with early retirement in mind.

The risk I regret not taking is, 25 years ago I should have studied abroad.  As a global citizen, the perspective would have been invaluable.

If I could design my fantasy self-care day, it would be spent waking up without an alarm, remaining in silence for an hour focused on meditation and prayer, followed by spa treatments and two fabulous meals (breakfast and dinner) … and I would have my three besties with me.

Nothing keeps me up at night

! I sleep sound knowing that the universe is conspiring for my good.

When I’m struggling, I say to myself I am fearfully and wonderfully made.

I am unapologetically fierce. I am a Leo and born in the Year of the Dragon!

Portraits of Power is a yearlong series of candid insights from exceptional women leaders. It is brought to you by ADP.

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