How to Position Yourself As an Industry Authority

Ready to position yourself as an industry authority? Contrary to popular belief, your brand is not born overnight. It’s an evolution—a continuous message that tells the world who you are, what you do, and how you do it. Check out a weekly ritual to help you build authority in your field.



Be Confident


No one will invest in you if you don’t believe in yourself. Confidence comes from the inside out—from how you speak to yourself and how you dress to how you communicate with your colleagues. Avoid weak words and phrases like, “um, I should have, I think, I failed, just, kind of,” which makes you sound insecure or unsure about your message.


Be Consistent


Whether you’re looking to differentiate yourself from the competition or build your brand as a speaker, consistency is one of the most underrated leadership traits. Show up. Do what you say you are going to do. Remember, consistency breeds trust.


Host Webinars and Workshops


Demonstrate your expertise by addressing your audience’s needs and struggles and providing actionable advice and solutions.


Show Your Process


Producing weekly content such as livestreams and videos are one of the best ways to build your authority. Plus, people crave behind the scenes content because they also want to feel like they know you. Show your process, personality, and perspective using Instagram stories and Facebook Live. Create teaser content for upcoming projects.


Contribute Articles to Top Media Publications and Blogs


Writing articles are another powerful way to grow your audience and demonstrate your expertise. For each article, most online publications give you a byline which can include a short bio and a link to drive traffic to your website.


Connect and Collaborate


Most successful entrepreneurs have a powerful network of mutually beneficial relationships. You can create these relationships by helping others reach their goals. Build an online rapport by aiming to connect with three new people each week. Provide comments on Twitter chats, Facebook Groups, or industry-related forums. Designate “Follow-up Fridays” to check in with members of your personal network. Consider collaborating with other industry leaders or influencers in your space. Dale Carnegie’s book How To Win Friends and Influence People

 is a great actionable resource for creating meaningful connections.

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