Power Thinking: 3 Mindshifting Techniques for Radical Entrepreneurs

Business owners come a dime a dozen. Everywhere you look; someone you know is selling or promoting something. But this article isn’t for the everyday, easily satisfied, typical entrepreneur. This article is for dream seekers, and game changers ready to make a profound impact on the world. Making impact requires out-of-the-box and radical moves that distinguish you from the slew of startups in existence today. With more than 543,000 new businesses starting every month, what makes your business different? What makes what you do and how you do it, stand out from the crowd?

As a success strategist and startup consultant, I will tell you that becoming a power player and achievement magnate does not begin with the launch of your business; it begins with the cultivation of your mind. Without question, integrating mind-shifting principles with business mastery makes you unstoppable. To help you do it, I’ve listed three proven principles to help you take your mindset and your business to a whole new level.

Principle 1: Meditate Daily
Growing up, I thought meditation meant trading in my lip gloss and skirt for a brown hooded robe and new friends with no hair. But really, meditation is a mainstream and purpose driven movement, practiced by world leaders, celebrities, and great achievers. It’s not about monks,

outdoors or religion. It’s about identifying and purging the chaos in your mind. Simply put, meditation is the gateway to clarity. As entrepreneurs, clarity leads to the innovation, creativity, and up-leveled thinking we need to be brilliant and effective. Check out Russell Simmon’s new book, Success Through Stillness: Meditation Made Simple. His award-winning work focuses on the connection between meditation, clarity, and success.

Principle 2: Affirm Your Power
You probably know how many clients you have or how much money you make, but do you know the magnitude of your inner power? Do you understand the momentousness of the words you speak? What would happen if you committed to speaking success in your businesses every single day? Affirmations are realistic, specific, and positive statements that direct our reality to a desired result. Personal development and empowerment guru Iyanla Vanzant encourages us to incorporate affirmations in our daily regimen. Vanzant says begin every affirmation with an “I am” statement. For example, “I am success. I am driven. I am powerful.” When you consistently affirm your purpose and power, you elevate confidence, increase productivity, and become a magnet for all things possible.

Principle 3: Visualize the Outcome
Imagery drives the mind. That’s why peak performers use visualization techniques to enhance their success. Best-selling author Steven Covey and renown leader Dale Carnegie are huge proponents of this mind-shifting technique. Visualization is the practice of seeing, feeling, and experiencing a goal before you ever do it. Peak performers and athletes use this to maximize their performance, so why shouldn’t you? Each day, close your eyes and see yourself with a million-dollar business. Imagine the roar of a standing ovation after your keynote address. See and feel the impact your product or service has on your target market. The bottom line is the more you “see it” the quicker you can achieve it. So close your eyes, open your mind and visualize today.

Now that you have three mind-shifting techniques, will you try them? Remember, it only takes a few minutes each day. Be consistent and never forget that mindset is the most transformative tool you have.

Teri Nichole Harrison is an attorney, success strategist and startup consultant for radical entrepreneurs. She is the CEO and founder of Fearless &Fabulous Worldwide, a personal development and business consulting company in Nashville, Tennessee. Harrison is also the founding attorney of the Tennessee Business Law Center and the author of Winning at Entrepreneurship: Innovative
Strategies for Small Business Success
. For daily motivation and business insight, follow her on twitter:
@TeriHarrison .

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