5 Lessons Entrepreneurs Can Learn From the TV Show "Power"

Power has been an adventurous ride since the first season. Courtney Kemp, writer, creator, and executive producer is amazing, and has been giving us one of the best shows on television for four years in a row.


Without giving too much away, this season the cast really steps into the fullness of their roles and characters as they are in for a huge ride, especially James St. Patrick who plays the main character, “Ghost,” an entrepreneur. As an entrepreneur myself, I’ve noticed there are lessons that can be learned by watching Power: 


Know Your Lane and Stay In It


It’s always best to stay in your lane of expertise. Let’s admit it, as bad as James wants to get away from being Ghost, and just run his club full time, we have watched this become a constant struggle for him. There is nothing wrong with having multiple streams of income, however, as entrepreneurs we must stay true to our passion, otherwise things tend to get a little hectic and we lose focus of our talents and calling. Not saying that James should be in the drug game either.

Have an Accountability and Support System


Tasha is Ghost’s “hold him down, ride or die” partner. We all need a Tasha in our life as entrepreneurs. Even through the bad times of their relationship, she always has Ghost’s back. Tasha is also the type to let Ghost know when he is wrong and holds him accountable for his actions. He may not always want to listen to her, but she will forever give him the truth—even when it hurts.

Don’t Cheat on Your Dream


Infidelity is what has Ghost locked up. The grass almost always looks greener on the other side. Put in the work by watering your own grass in your own backyard before meddling in your competitors. The hard work always comes before the harvest, not after, so by making sure that you take care of home first is when you will reap all of the benefits and rewards of your labor.

Know Your Value and Your Worth


Even though we

love how much Tasha supports Ghost through the thick and thin, we still need her to know her value and her worth. As entrepreneurs, we tend not to recognize the greatness that everyone else sees in us, and this can cause major problems within our businesses, as far as how much we charge and what we offer our clients. It’s OK to not sit down and not be as humble as we should when we go to the drawing board to map out what we want to offer our clients and what that will cost them to work with us.

Always Work and Be Authentic


No matter what is happening, Tommy Egan is going to be himself. He doesn’t care who doesn’t like it and what people say, because at the end of the day Tommy is going to be Tommy. As entrepreneurs, not just for branding purposes but for us to exist and live within our truth, we must be authentic with ourselves in order be authentic to those that we serve. When you can be yourself and do what it is that you want to do, you are first serving yourself and this allows us to operate with complete fullness. Then, we don’t have to be held to a false standard but can instead focus on living and exceeding our dreams and expectations in our areas of expertise.




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