Weigh Your Options: Pros and Cons of Being a Freelancer

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Oftentimes, it seems like a better look when you call your own shots and make your own hours. Freelancers and independent contractors get to do just that, offering their skills on a non-permanent basis in a range of industries, from healthcare to tech to entertainment to the arts. These types of workers are often an asset for companies because there’s usually no added expense of benefits, and when smaller projects come along, they’re perfect for the job.

Though the freedom is a major perk for professionals, like

anything, it has its pros and cons. Brazen Careerist details some of those to help you weigh whether this might be a good idea for you:

Pro: Get paid for every hour you work. Staying late and coming in early isn’t such a big deal when every hour is on their

clock. This can lead to a nice paycheck when you’re in the middle of a release for a new product or software and you get paid for all 67 hours you worked.

Con: Being a low priority. Contractors are usually a lower

priority to some companies than full-time employees, and your work environment may reflect that. I’ve heard about contractors being given closets to work in or desks made with old chairs and plywood (not exactly an Aeron chair).

Read more at Brazen Careerist …

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