How to React When You’ve Been Blindsided by a Co-Worker

Originally Published Apr. 28, 2016.

While being blindsided by a co-worker is never ideal, it’s a situation that many of us have or will experience in the workplace. If you find yourself in a predicament with a co-worker that you feel is shady, use the below tips to sort through the situation.


Getting last minute notice that a co-worker is leaving your team or dividing their time between your department and someone else’s department is never a good thing, but it’s a situation that any of us can easily find ourselves in the middle of. Rather than getting upset with your co-worker about their lack of communication, be the bigger person and ask them directly what’s happening. A simple conversation can help you clarify any fuzzy details and it will allow you to hear an explanation for why things may have unfolded the way they did.

Be honest:

Being honest with a colleague isn’t always easy, but it’s the necessary thing to do if you really want them to understand how you feel. Opening up about why you felt a situation was wrong will not only help to prevent your co-worker from handling things the same way in the future

, but it can also help them to reflect and re-think their approach to things and how it affects those around them.

Take time to assess the situation:

Oftentimes, we jump to conclusions about a situation that we feel we were left out of the loop on. Who else knows besides me? Why was I the last person to find out? Before thinking too far

into the situation, take time to really assess how things panned out. Ask yourself, “Is this a situation that involves my input? Do I only want to be in the loop for egotistical reasons? If the answer to these questions is yes, then you really need to reassess why you’re stressing about the situation.

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