Read All the Business Books on Your List With This Speed Reading Training

The work emails, presentations, and documents seem never to stop. It’s even tougher if you are the ‘always be learning’ type. There’s only so much regular reading can do traditionally. Step up your game and put into practice some learning techniques to get you accumulating information faster and efficiently.

The Become a Super-Learner & Speed Reading Bundle is a 15-hour e-learning collection that zeroes in on memory mastery, memory training, and more. Taught by entrepreneurs, product managers, and lifehackers, it aims to teach you the best speed reading techniques to help you triple your learning rate.

The seven courses explore the cognitive and neurological factors involved in smarter learning. This

will help memorize details better, pick up new skills, and speak other languages. Also, discover how to remember just about anything with ease, learn faster by taking advantage of your individual learning style and be more productive and mentally organized. Finally, if you ever had a hard time recalling facts and figures before, this learning bundle can help.

For a limited time, you can get it on sale 

Prices subject to change.

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