(Career) Match Made in Heaven: Real-Life Success of Nontraditional Mentorships

Shawn Agyeman, left, found a mentor in sales industry peer Peter Jackson, a Groupon divisional sales manager in Chicago.

“Get a good mentor.” That’s a common piece of career advice, but what does it mean to have a good mentor?  Each relationship is different. Some are formal relationships as part of structured programs, while others are a bit more organic and free flowing.

Check out some real-life examples of mentor-mentee relationships and how each is mutually beneficial in the advancement of careers.


Mentee: Shawn Agyeman, Groupon Sales Executive, SponsorChange Chief Marketing Officer/Managing Partner, Chicago

Mentor: Peter Jackson, Groupon divisional sales manager, Chicago

Shawn Agyeman and Peter Jackson first met more than 15 years ago as participants in High Jump, an academic enrichment program in Chicago. Agyeman was a middle school student and Jackson was a high school volunteer.

The pair lost touch for several years but randomly reconnected at a party of a mutual friend after Agyeman graduated from college.  “We exchanged contact information and basically just caught up with each other every few months. It’s never been an intense, formal type of mentor/mentee relationship. I just really value his opinions and insight,” Agyeman says.

In 2011, Agyeman was working in Pittsburgh and looking for new career opportunities and it just so happened that Jackson knew of job openings at Groupon, his employer.  Phone calls were made, an interview was scheduled and Agyeman landed the job. ” I always tell Shawn, if you have the courage to forge your own path and the confidence to reach your dreams, you’ll do something great,” Jackson says. “And that’s exactly what he’s been doing.  In 10 years, I don’t see him working for an employer. He’ll be working for himself.”

Nontraditional Mentorship Tips:

Utilize time-saving technology to keep in touch. Since Agyeman and Jackson work for the same company now, they see each other at least in passing just about everyday. They keep in touch via instant messaging during the work-day.

Schedule informal meet-ups from time to time. Agyeman sometimes requests an in-person sit-down discussion to get

Jackson’s advice for career-related decisions. “Just last week, he gave me some great advice about sales strategies. Everyone needs someone in their lives who is older and smarter and more experienced.”

Keep it real, direct and constructive. “If I ever need my way of thinking challenged, I know I can call Peter,” Agyeman says. “Some mentors coddle their mentees and are more like cheerleaders than anything else, but Peter always gives it to me straight and I appreciate that.”

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Christen Rochon, found the perfect mentor right at home: her mother LaVette, a communications clerk in Detroit.


Mentee: Christen Rochon, Founder, DivasandDorks.com, New York

Mentor: LaVette Rochon, Communications Clerk, Detroit

Christen Rochon has known her mentor LaVette Rochon for her entire life, with LaVette being Christen’s mother.  Many times, children want to get away from their parent’s rules and advice as quickly as possible, but the Rochon relationship is different. Daughter Rochon is the oldest of seven children and always felt a special bond with her mom. “As the oldest, I had to grow up quickly, so our relationship was more like friends than traditional mother/daughter,” Christen says.

The Website daughter she created, DivasandDorks.com, merges fashion and technology, which is not quite the same as what mom Rochon does as communications clerk at Perfecting Church, but daughter Rochon finds her career advice invaluable just the same. “When it comes to business decisions, she’s the first person I’ll call, and it’s not a ‘pat on the back’ type of conversation,” Christen says.   “We go through the real pros and cons of the decision.”

Five years ago, she turned down a position as a copywriter for Playboy, mostly after her mother’s advisement. The job would have moved her to New York City, a place she wanted to be, but after weighing results of the decision, she realized it was not the right career decision at that time.  Patience paid off.  Two years ago, her job at CBS transferred her to New York and not too long after that, she was able to transition into working on her Website full time.

Nontraditional Mentorship Tips:

Tap into power of female support. Christen’s mom LaVette says it’s crucial for young women to have older women as role models and advice givers.  “Young women must take an active approach in how to thrive, not just survive,” she says. ” We do not cultivate the type of relationships that we should with younger women. We should actively look for protégés. That’s how you live forever.”

Take advice but — at the end of the day — know how to discern what’s best for you. Mother and daughter talk on the phone every couple days.  Their most recent conversation was about Christen adding content focused on relations to her Website. (a subject of which she finds abundant source of comedic material from her own dating life). LaVette thinks such a move would cause already busy Web entrepreneur to be spread a bit too thin, but the younger Rochon is still contemplating the idea.

To determine whether you have the best mentor candidate, use this mentorship checklist.

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