[RECAP] Black Enterprise Hosts Social Media Week Event

On Friday, Feb. 27 from 3:30-4:30 p.m. EST, Black Enterprise hosted the special event Activism in the Social Age: Resources, Mainstream Media, and Using These Tools for Good at the Highline Stages in New York City. In part of Social Media Week 2015, which is taking place currently worldwide, the event was packed and filled with tech moguls, innovators, young professionals and entrepreneurs who discussed the impact mobile has on relationships, the economy, and on the world at large.

Panelists included , Charles Wade, co-founder of Operation Help or Hush, feminist and writer Wagatwe Wanjuki

, and Black Enterprise Director of Audience Development Kelly Pierre-Louis. The discussion was also moderated by Black Enterprise‘s Social Media Manager Sirita Wright.

For the first half, the panel of speakers each discussed issues related to social media and gave their perspective on topics such as Ferguson, sexual harassment, online bullying, growing your brand, using your platform for good and more. The second half of the event involved a question and answer section, and the panel shared their insights and gave social media tips on hot topics such as expanding your online following and gaining brand exposure.

[Related: Social Media Week: Black Enterprise Hosts Event Centered on Activism in Today’s Digital Age]

In case you missed out, check out the recap storify below.

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