#RiseAbove: Keys to Setting Yourself Apart in Business

Even if you’re selling a wonderfully unique product, service or experience you will one day find yourself faced with competition. That’s the beauty of the marketplace. You put an idea out there, and it’s, well, out there.

But what can you do to make sure you have the majority of your potential client’s “mind share” which will lead to increased market share? How do you stay top of mind when you’re providing a product or service that has multiple competitors or even copycats?

Here are a few tips to #RiseAbove the competition:

Say something new. If you’re dealing in knowledge, and you have serious expertise to share — you must share it! Package your expert knowledge into a signature speech, Twitter chat or even a keynote presentation. Pitch yourself to conference organizers who reach your target audience. Being a speaker at a conference where everyone else is coming to make connections and learn new strategies is a surefire way to position you as an expert and help you rise above the rest.

Teach something new. Experts teach. Rarely do novices step out on a limb to share their knowledge in a big way. You may not be able to get involved in a major conference, but that doesn’t mean you can’t teach. Volunteer to teach or train at non-profits. Or organize your own events and sell tickets. You would be surprised at what you have

to share. For example, I’ve noticed so many of my consultant, coach and solopreneur friends are absolutely terrible at marketing themselves and, I happen to be great at it! So I’m teaching them a few of my strategies next week on a free tele seminar. Join in!

Write something new. I recommend that almost everyone I coach starts writing and disseminating their information online. At the very least, share your knowledge on Twitter. If you already have a blog where you’re sharing your tips on topics of expertise, congratulations. Maybe it’s time to jump out there with your first e-book. Already have an e-book? Why not try your hand at a full-length published book. Nothing says expert like “Joe Smith, Author of ….” If you don’t know any editors or publishers, self-publishing has never been easier. Create SpaceandLulu.com are wonderful options to package your knowledge and get it out to the world in book form.

Host something new. Sometimes you have to get people together around a topic of interest. I almost always advise my brand coaching clients to create learning and/or networking experiences for their potential clients, customers and communities. You may come up with a themed festival if you work in the arts, or a fair of some sort may appeal to lifestyle and beauty industries. For experts, I’m a fan of panel events. You’ve been to your fair share of panel events. Why not organize and be the featured expert at your own? You should strive to create a “signature event” — a festival, fair, panel or other event that people will begin to know you for.

Do something new. Inevitably, to stay on people’s minds in life and in business, you

have to keep it interesting. Don’t rely on the same old tactics to market yourself and your business year after year. Keep your ear to the ground and your finger on the pulse of the marketplace. Keep an inspiration journal of new things you find fun and exciting across industries. What unwritten book are you dying to read? Go write it. What event are you waiting for someone else to create? Go create it. By always doing new things, you keep your audience engaged and excited about your brand.

Want more tips on how to rise above the competition? Join me and other experts on Thursday, October 18th at 11 a.m. for a Black Enterprise Twitter Chat. Use the hashtag #RiseAbove, and reach me @amandamogul.

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