Since You Asked: Can’t Find a Job in My Field

I’m so discouraged trying to find a position in my field of human resources management. I am a 30-year-old woman with eight years of HR experience along with a master’s in human resources. I have applied for hundreds of jobs but interviewed with only a few. Companies tell me that I am ‘not qualified’ for the job. Any suggestions?

–T. Carroll
Mobile, AL

The first question you have to ask is how relevant are those eight years to what HR positions require today. If multiple companies have told you

that you’re not qualified for a position, then you may need to reassess your skill set. This requires asking yourself some hard questions such as, “What are my qualifications?” “How have I rated in past job performances?” and “Do I need more academic or job
training to qualify for this position?” Talk to industry peers about what they look for in potential candidates, and become involved in the National Association of African Americans in HR. Take an online skills assessment test and follow the advice listed in our comprehensive “Job Seeker’s Readiness Guide
” (this issue) offering information about your résumé, network, skill set, profile, and flexibility. I hope the package will help you execute your game plan. Best wishes in your continued job search!

Annya M. Lott is the careers editor at Black Enterprise.

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