8 Ways to Jumpstart Your Side Hustle

If you’ve been contemplating starting a business on the side, now may be the time. Check this off your resolutions list early, and get started. Your goal may be to have extra income, do something you’re passionate about, or eventually leave your job altogether. Brazen Careerist knows eight great ways to help you get that enterprising idea off the ground.

1. Tell your network what you offer: If your friends and professional contacts understand the type of work you’re looking for, they’ll be able to send potential clients your way. Even if they don’t have anyone in mind for you initially, if they know what you offer, they’ll think of you when the right opportunity lands in their inbox.

And make sure you’re crystal clear about your value. Don’t say you’re a social media strategist; explain what you actually do and who you do it for. The more specific you can be, the more your network will be able to help you. (Bonus tip: this applies to your job search, too!)

2. Add “consultant” to your services: As Chris Guillebeau points out, it’s easier than ever to become a consultant. You have skills people want, so why not use those skills to make some money?

The challenging part, of

course, is figuring out what you have to offer that’s valuable and unique. Ask yourself: What do people often ask for my help with? What do people tell me I’m good at? Then work on turning that knowledge into an offer or solution.

Read more at Brazen Careerist


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