5 Practical Money-Saving Tips for Your Super Bowl Party

Who doesn’t love a Super Bowl party? No one. But if you’re asking who likes to throw a Super Bowl party, then you’d likely get a few people raising their hands.

Throwing a party is expensive. Here are some tips to keep costs under control:

‘Potluck’ is not a bad word.

Everyone wants to keep the party going. Don’t overspend what you can’t afford on snacks, libations and other provisions just because you want people to have a good time! There’s absolutely nothing wrong with asking folks to bring an item to contribute. If you’re too embarrassed, ask a few of your close friends in private to help you co-host and bring a few items. Your wallet will thank you. Tip: Ask fans of the Ravens/49ers to co-host!

Any leftovers? The holidays were just a few weeks ago. Maybe you had a party, or some family over your house. Are those napkins, plates, or plastic forks still hanging around? Don’t spend on decorations — let those Christmas lights have a little more life for the big game. As a point of etiquette, this would be the perfect time to return the favor of an invite you got during the holidays. If your mind is set on decorations, try to stay away from expensive NFL-licensed products. Red and gold stuff looks great, and who doesn’t love purple? Your guests will applaud your DIY sensibility. Think: balloons.

Take it back to college and get a keg.* There’s a reason college students get kegs, and it’s not because they enjoy lugging them around. They’re festive and you save money especially considering the volume of beer you’re getting. Call your local beer distributor. Many places can still deliver with at least 36 hours notice. You’ll be doing the environment a favor.

*Only applies if your guests aren’t bourgeois.

One word: Pasta. It’s

cheap, it’s delicious and it’s filling. You can make a tasty pasta salad to feed your guests or try spaghetti and, if you’re really ambitious, some lasagna. Allow yourself some time, but given the cost savings, it’ll be time well-spent. Here are some inspirational recipes. Bon appetit.

When all else fails: Turn Beyonce all the way up. Everyone will forget that you ran out of guacamole and white wine. At least for 15 minutes.

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