Target Employees Canned For Buying Special Edition Stanley Cups

Photo by Mike Mozart/flickr, small image (Photo by Geancarlo Peruzzolo/Pexels)

Target is cracking down on employees, beating customers to the punch by buying must-have special edition Stanley cups. Several workers have exposed how they were fired for allegedly breaking policy. The workers were informed they breached a rule prohibiting them from buying products at an “unfair advantage” to shoppers.

According to Business Insider, the cups in question were part of the drink-ware company’s collaboration with Starbucks. Given the exclusive nature of obtaining the premium cups, Target accused its workers of disobeying its formal guidelines, which forbids workers from using their accessibility to obtain coveted items before customers purchase them.

Some terminated employees bought cups that were not adequately made available to customers on the sales floor or set aside by another employee. One worker in Maryland shared how she was fired after letting one be purchased before the official release.

The cups were part of a limited edition collection launched on

Jan. 3, being sold exclusively through the two brand’s websites and Target. Although their original cost was $49.95, the hype surrounding the specialty items has skyrocketed their prices to over $200 on resale shops such as StockX. The company has since launched new color options to be sold at the retailer.

However, the former employees are shocked by how their entire time with the

company could end abruptly all due to the cup; many were unaware of the policy in place that led to the grounds for their removal, and they even bought the items in front of management or with their expressed approval. While some offered to return the cup to keep their positions, all were denied the opportunity.

None stated that they were pursuing legal action or surveying their options. Still, they did share that their store leads

noted that Target’s corporate offices led the investigations into forbidden employee purchases. Target has yet to comment on the growing matter.

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