Brooklyn Nets are the First Professional Sports Team To Join The Metaverse

The Brooklyn Nets made history when the NBA franchise introduced a new viewing experience for sports fans, the “Netaverse.”

In the world of modern technology, the term “metaverse” has been thrown around a lot lately. Basically, it promises to match real-life experiences virtually without having to deal with real life. The Brooklyn Nets are the first professional sports team to introduce their fans to a new and different viewing encounter.

“We had an idea of a roadmap that we wanted to incorporate and build on over the first 12, 18 months,” said Matt Duarte, senior director of strategy and business development for YES Network, in a written statement. YES Network is the Nets’ cable television partner.

“The core piece of the new app was the highest quality game video player that we could get and build on top of that with different features, functionality, and tools to allow all of our viewers and fans to both engage with us in as many different ways as possible as well as customize the way they view and interact with us.”

With the new app powered by the YES Network, viewers can gather more intel. While watching the game via the app, basketball fans can include a Live Stats display that is updated instantaneously with stats that incorporate the latest play-by-play, team lineups, and information about players and teams. Users can select players on the court to check out their up-to-the-minute stats.

Another feature intended to ramp up participation is the Watch Party component. Users can now invite their friends to connect through the app and can also talk through video as they can share the experience as if they were watching the game in the same room.

Based on current numbers, unique streamers have increased 213 percent compared to the 2019-20 season. There has also been a jump as average minutes per game streamed have increased by 130 percent.

“The way we consume sports has changed over the last two years,” said Kevin Sullivan, YES Network’s head of digital. “Sports viewing has changed and we’d be remiss if we didn’t change with it. We’re going to be changing and growing. We’re not done with it.”

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