The Cutting Edge: Lost Your Job? Find Out Who’s Hiring

If the horrid specter of a dismal job market has you feeling uneasy, or if you’re one of the millions who’ve lost their jobs, remember, there are still possibilities amid the fray. On Jan. 9, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported a rise in the unemployment rate to 7.2%, with 524,000 jobs slashed from the economy in December. The total number of unemployed persons increased by 632,000 to just over 11 million. If you’ve been laid off, here are some resources and tips to bring in extra cash and stay relevant within your career field.

Try a government job

U.S. Census 2010:
The U.S. Census Bureau is recruiting temporary part-time works for the 2010 Census. The pay is good, the hours are flexible and the work is close to home, says the Census Web site. You’re Duties: Update address lists and conduct interviews with community residents. Though most positions require a valid driver’s license and use of a vehicle, public transportation may be authorized in certain areas. Call 1-866-861-2010 or visit the U.S. Census Bureau’s Website for more information.

Operation Hope: Not only has President-elect Barack Obama done a stellar job of facing the nation in this time of uncertainty, he’s also enlisting the help of the electorate. You can apply for a job in the Obama administration on the Change.gov Website. Though the site doesn’t specify available positions, the government’s expansiveness and ability to hire workers across sectors means people with a range of experience and expertise can apply.

Field your search online

Indeed, I found a job: I’m sure most of us can think of at least one person, if not yourself, who has found a job through online listings. If you’ve already searched through the usual suspects, Monster.com, Myspace Jobs and Craigslist, cast your net wider.

Indeed.com is a job database that lists over 800,000 positions in an array of sectors. Just type in your desired location, employer or position and Indeed does the leg work. If you’re facing a layoff or have just been let go, remember, be flexible. You may not find the “perfect job” but you may find something that will pay your bills and provide for your family.

Be sure to stay away from sites that offer to help you for a fee.

Join a Yahoo Group: One of the (many) good things about the Internet is the ability to easily find people with similar interests. Browse Yahoo Groups for online communities pertaining to your career field. It’s not unusual for members to share information about job prospects. It can also serve as a support group for people who’ve experienced or may be experiencing a similar situation. Start conversations and get to know the members. There may also be invaluable invites to networking events or tips for useful resources.

What to do in the meantime

It pays the bills: It’s easy to frown upon working at McDonald’s or for a retailer, especially if you’re coming from a high-paying job. But when the bills are due, your landlord won’t accept the fact that your pride won’t allow you to take a “lesser job.” Roll up your sleeves and start applying to jobs everywhere, including a donut shops and outlet stores. Hey, my stint at Blockbuster Video meant free movie rentals and dibs on new movie releases.

Build your skills: If you’re forced to work a temporary job outside your field, it’s imperative to keep abreast of new developments in your industry so that you stay relevant. Remember, the longer you’re out

of the field, the harder it may be to get a job.  This can be as simple as logging on to Youtube.com and searching for tutorials. The site is laden with how-to videos from experts. You’ll also want to search for seminars relating to your career that fit into your schedule. Don’t just take in the information–Try it! Who knows? You may be able to start your own business.

Venture into different fields:
As you look for a temporary job, spend some time figuring out your latent passions and talents. Try researching careers and industries that have long interested you at the library and online. Start small and develop a plan. It may be as simple as starting a blog or learning html coding. Pick up a book, look for how-to podcasts and videos on iTunes. Find opportunity within the turmoil.
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