The Perpetual World Of Change

Change is often difficult, even for the most resilient among us. It usually illicits fear, which then allows us to envision various scenarios that justify stagnation. Sometimes we need help to embrace new things, people, and situations. In Life Changes: Using the Power of Change to Transform Your Life (The Journey Productions; $14.95), author Jennifer Lewis-Hall encourages readers to embrace the inevitability of change.

Using anecdotal letters from everyday people, Lewis-Hall helps readers confront real-life challenges-from dealing with spousal infidelity to kicking the credit card habit. Each chapter covers different stages of our lives, including children leaving the nest, growing older, clearing financial hurdles, and finding true purpose in your work.

Lewis Hall uses the example of a college adviser who thought her fiancé was the center of her world. Two years into their relationship, he suddenly decided that he didn’t want to marry her. She was devastated. But she was transformed when she went back to school, received her master’s degree, and established herself professionally and financially. Such stories illustrate how “change can be an agent for transforming our lives in a positive way. Change is so profoundly important because it pushes us to achieve things many of us wouldn’t readily do on our own,” Lewis-Hall writes.

Life Changes addresses how to let go of fear and adapt to change, break down old barriers to success, and track progress. The book also offers thought-provoking questions at the end of each chapter; words of inspiration; and a journal to record weekly objectives, transformative events, and thoughts.

This book will help readers accept the various seasons of life in order to achieve their ultimate destiny.

A Commitment To You
Want to change for the better? Author Jennifer Lewis-Hall says take the Life Change Power Pledge today.

  • I pledge to embrace change because I know that without it, I can’t grow to my fullest potential.
  • I pledge to learn from the changes that I have already gone through and to use that knowledge to improve myself daily.
  • I pledge to see change through a different set of eyes, putting fear, guilt, and worry aside when life takes an unexpected turn.
  • I pledge to be positive, opening myself to the new possibilities and opportunities that I am destined to encounter.
  • I pledge to face difficult changes by channeling my positive energy toward the future rather than languishing in negative thoughts of the past.
  • I pledge to develop a plan that allows me to take control of my life and make positive changes to live a life that I love.

From life changes: using the power of change to transform your life (the journey productions; $14.95). Copyright 2006 by Jennifer Lewis-Hall. Reprinted with permission from the publisher.

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