This Natural Hair Entrepreneur Is Expanding Her Brand To Include Hand Sanitizer

Since the spread of COVID-19, or the novel coronavirus, pandemic, many entrepreneurs have been forced to make a complete pivot with their businesses to adapt to the new reality brought on by the viral outbreak. Gwen Jimmere is known f

or creating a highly successful natural hair brand with Naturalicious. Now Jimmere is moving from natural haircare to creating a new hand sanitizer in light of COVID-19.

Jimmere announced that she is expanding her brand into Naturalicious Hand Sanitizer, manufactured within her company’s Detroit-based headquarters. The alcohol-based liquid effectively kills 99% of germs, according to the WHO standards.

In a time where disinfectant products are low in supply—in addition to bleach, paper towels, and toilet paper—Jimmere plans to use the pivot to keep her business afloat during the viral outbreak. Customers have the option of purchasing a 2 oz size or 1 gallon available on her website.

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