Jobless Blues: 8 Coping Tactics for the Newly Unemployed

According to reports, the unemployment rate for African Americans remains high, at 14%, and if your company is among the many conducting layoffs, like publishing giants Reuters and Time Inc., you’re not alone on the unemployment line. Losing your job may come as a shock and can cause feelings of depression and anger. Coping with a career loss is an important part of the healing process, and will help you jump back into the thick of things. Brazen Careerist offers eight tips to help you get through it:

Remember, It’s Not You

Could you have worked longer hours, spent less time tweeting on the job or taken fewer trips to Starbucks? Of course. But that’s not why you were laid off. Remember that layoffs are business decisions, not a reflection of your talent or commitment.

Find the Silver Lining

It’s easy to romanticize your job in retrospect. I had flexible work hours and the ability to work from home, which I instantly appreciated more as soon as I was laid off. But chances are, your job wasn’t perfect. Maybe your pay was lower than what
you would have liked, or your work attire was more formal than your style. Think of being laid off as a blessing in disguise–you’re one step closer to finding a job that fits all of your workplace priorities.

Read more at Brazen Careerist

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