Why You Shouldn’t Be Too Picky In Your Job Search

Everyone has that ideal job that they strive to attain. Perfect company culture, room for advancement, great pay and benefits and awesome co-workers. What more could a person ask for? Reality is likely to be a kick in the butt when you begin looking for a job and realize that the ideal is few and far between.

If you have been looking for awhile at some point applying to any and everything seems like a good idea. How excited do you feel when you finally get a call back only to go back to the listing and realize this isn’t at all what you are looking for. Do you consider not going to the interview? The Daily Muse, one of the Forbes contributors, explains why it is a good idea to go for that less than ideal job.

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A couple of years ago, a recruiter called me to interview at a small healthcare publication. Was it my dream job? Not even close–in fact, it sounded sort of boring. But I was qualified for it, and I was looking for a new job, so I decided to interview anyway. “This should be quick,” I commented to my husband as I walked out the door. “I’m pretty sure this place is going to suck.”

But you know what? It didn’t suck–not even a little bit. In fact, the office was gorgeous, the people who worked there were awesome, and the company had a fun, start-upy vibe that I loved. The position was right up my alley–and if I had blown the interview off, I would have missed out on the opportunity.

The truth is, you can’t judge a book by its cover–er, a position by its job description. That “boring” corporate gig might land you in the middle of a brilliant and fun-loving team, or that nonprofit position that “probably won’t pay much” just might surprise you. I’ve had plenty of friends who’ve gone through the motions of interviewing for positions they thought they weren’t thrilled about and ended up with amazing job offers they couldn’t refuse.

Read more at Forbes

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