Top 5 Social Media Mistakes Keeping You From Employment

(Image: Thinkstock)

We all know that recruiters, HR professionals and prospective employers use your social media profile to find out who you are, where you’ve been and how you think. Many use it as a tool to find the right—and wrong—candidates, as to make their job filling a position that much easier.

According to a recent Jobvite survey, Mashable reports, more than 40% of companies said they reconsidered candidates after viewing suspect content on their profiles, including Facebook, Twitter and Google+. Other findings from the survey include these five mistakes that lead to a side eye and quite possibly a resume in the trash bin:

83%: Reconsidered a candidate who indicated or had attributes of drug use on their pages

71%: Reconsidered those who had updates of a sexual

65%: Reconsidered those who use profanity

61%: Reconsidered those who had spelling errors and bad grammar

51%: Reconsidered those with mention of guns

If any of the above are publicly (0r even privately) included on your social media pages and you haven’t found employment, maybe it’s time to clean things up

and really get serious about your job search.

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