The Tech Skills That Got People Hired In 2014

If you think the demand for tech jobs is some flash in the pan phenomenon, think again. According to LinkedIn, knowing some code pretty much guarantees you a job.

The extrapolation comes from LinkedIn’s list of the 25 hottest skills of 2014 among the professional social network’s 330 million member profiles.

The list is primarily composed of tech jobs, with Statistical Analysis and Data Mining being the number one skill. Data mining and analyzing statistics is useful in fields that handle large quantities of data, like wearable tech and social network platforms.

To create the list LinkedIn grouped similar skills into categories (for example, iOS and Android programming were grouped under Mobile Development). Then, the company looked at skills that attracted the attention of recruiters the most.

It used the data from the whole year to identify what skills recruiters were most likely to look for, and who was most likely to get hired.

Some interesting takeaways from the analysis show that it pays to be well versed in more than one language.

“Internationalization and localization services are valued by companies that operate globally. As such, language translation skills were among the top 25 hottest skills in many countries,” said Sohan Murthy, Research

Consultant at LinkedIn. “But nowhere did they rank higher than in the United States, where in 2010, according to US Secretary of Education, Arne Duncan, only 18% of Americans claim to speak a language other than English.

You can check out the full list below and on LinkedIn.

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