Triumphing Over Unemployment: How a Young Woman Made Her Boss Move

Khaleeqa "Roxi" Rouse

As the unemployment rate remains high for African Americans—more than 15%— many workers are forced to find other ways to make ends meet. Some have been forced to face harsh realities about their lifestyle, their budgets, their passions and what really matters at the end of the day.

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For Website entrepreneur and health advocate Khaleeqa “Roxi” Rouse, unemployment sparked a holistic change in her life, from her health to her self-esteem to her career path. After downsizing, soul-searching and taking an honest look at her definition of happiness, she decided to start Paparoxi.com, a hub focused on helping people tap into healthy, purposeful living that features insights and tips on fitness, food and fun.

Check out how she did it, why pursuing your passion is the best route and how you can turn the stigma of unemployment into the opportunity of a lifetime.

Produced by Janell Hazelwood; Videography by Janel Martinez; Video editing by Melissa Johnson

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